Donate to TUXIS
TUXIS is a growing organization, and completely reliant on membership fees and donations from generous sponsors. Please consider donating to help keep the TUXIS Parliament open for the youth of Alberta. Your generosity will allow us to continue to provide a special experience for members that fosters their public speaking, debate, and critical thinking skills.
You can donate online through Canada Helps, ATB Cares, Paypal, or by sending us a cheque. TUXIS is a registered charitable organization, and you will be provided with a tax receipt when you donate to us. Our charity registration number is 886392794RR0001.
The TUXIS Alumni Society maintains endowment funds through the Edmonton Community Foundation. These funds provide a sustainable and continuous revenue source for our Parliament, and enable us to provide support for members who cannot afford our sessional fees. If you would like to contribute to these funds, or sponsor the creation of a new fund, please contact directly for more information.
1. Canada Helps
2. ATB Cares

3. Paypal
4. Mail a cheque
Make cheques payable to:
The Tuxis Parliament of Alberta Alumni Society
Please mail cheques to:
Marijke Smit Dootson
79 Woodcrest Ave
St. Albert, AB, T8N 3H8